Kemaren ada 3 jam bahasa inggris, dan sangat kebetulan gurunya lagi ada urusan, jadi kita 3 jam pelajaran kosong gitu. tapi ternyata gak, guru basingku, Bu Renia ngasih tugas. Malas abizzzzzz ngerjainnya. Tugas yang pertama itu ngerjain LKS. Bosan. dikira setelah LKS ga ada tugas tambahan, ternyata masih ada, kita disuruh bikin surat buat siapa aja terserah, temanya juga bebas. Tiba tiba aku jadi semangat, aku mikir kalo boleh ngirim ke siapa aja, boleh dong aku ngirim buat suamiku, Kim JongHyun, aku terlalu kangen, sudah setahun gak ketemu. Aku pun ngerjain dengan cepat dengan grammar yang cukup berantakan saking semangatnya. Dan inilah surat bodohku buat JongHyun (grammar yang salah sudah diperbaiki) :
Balikpapan, November 23 2010
Jl. Morse no.8 Komp. Telkom
Balikpapan - 76114
Dear Jonghyun Jagiya (Jagiya = sayang),
Assalamualaikum oppah, how are you? I'm sure you're not fine without me and I'm certain that you always cry everyday because you are thinking of me. I'm sorry oppah, I couldn't go to Thailand with you last year.
Now, I'm feeling guilty let you go to Thailand alone. I really miss you. But oppah, I shall go to Thailand to meet you as soon as possible, after I end my relationship with Amat. I hope you always wait for me and I promise I'll forget all of my memories with Amat after I finish my school.
In this letter, I just want to tell you that I'm fine here and thank you for choosing Amat to stay with me. Did you know, oppah? I was shocked when I heard the gossip between you and Shin SeKyung. But I'm sure, you wouldn't fall in love with her, because you already had me and I'm more than anything to you, right?
The last, would you like to prepare something special for me when we meet later? It'll make me very happy. Hmmm oppah, I send this letter because I lost your new phone number and why didn't you reply my bbm? Oooh I knew, you broke your handphone like usual, didn't you?
Ok oppah, I hope you will reply my letter ASAP and don't forget to put your new phone number on your letter. I'm sorry if I waste your time to read my letter. Don't miss me oppah, I always with you, Jonghyun oppah *smooch*. And please don't be worry about my relationship with Amat! It will end immediately.
With Love,
Pebriani Artha
Oh iya, buat yang gatau, sekaligus memperjelas surat, nih aku kasih fotonya Amat dan Jonghyun, bandingkanlah!! :
Amat yang sebelah kiri, Jonghyun yang sebelah kanan. Kadang aku ngerasa mereka mirip. Sama sama jago nyanyi, dan punya hidung gede, daaan sama sama ganteng cie cieeeeee :p